
Seminars are usually held every Monday at 2PM in Curia II. The Seminar organizers can be found here.


Raw date Event date Title Speakers Host Summary Links
20240506 May 6, 2024, 2:00 am US/Central Millicharged Cosmology Xucheng Gan, New York University In the standard model, the minimal electric charge an elementary particle can have is 1/3. This raises a fundamental question: Do particles with smaller charges exist? Termed as the ‘millicharged particle’ (mCP), this new type of particle is divided into two categories: the Pure mCP and the mCP resulting from the kinetic mixing. Even though... More »
20240513 May 13, 2024, 2:00 pm US/Central CPC Seminar: TBD Ryan Linehan, Fermilab Host: Dylan Temples Abstract: TBD
20240520 May 20, 2024, 2:00 pm US/Central CPC Seminar: TBD Mukul Sholapurkar, University of California, San Diego Host: Dylan Temples Abstract: TBD


Past seminars