CPC Seminar: PTOLEMY:  Experimental Quest to Detect Relic Neutrinos from the Big Bang

  • Feb. 21, 2022, 2:00 pm US/Central
  • Chris Tully, Princeton

Abstract: Neutrinos produced in the early moments of the Big Bang are believed to be the second most abundant particle in the Universe.  A method of experimental detection, called PTOLEMY, has been developed to map the flux of neutrinos on the sky and provide independent confirmation of the power spectrum from the inflationary pre-Big Bang period.  The challenges of ultracold relic neutrino detection have led to new advances in material technologies, RF detection and an electromagnetic spectrometer which doubles as a new type of particle accelerator with potential use for plasma heating.  New cosmology theories provide interesting new models to test – can PTOLEMY make a measurement that preemptively tells us the fate of the Universe?  The current status and outlook of PTOLEMY are presented.


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