Fermilab CPC seminars are held weekly on Monday, usually at 2:00 pm in Curia II on the 2nd floor of Wilson Hall.
The CPC seminar calendar is now maintained on Indico.
- Josh Foster
- Joshua Sobrin
- Albert Stebbins
- Huangyu Xiao
- Bei Zhou
Munch: Journal Club
Every Monday at 12:15 in the Darkside (6th floor, northwest corner), we meet to discuss the latest papers on the arXiv.
Papers to be discussed are shown on Benty Fields under the fnal-astro group.
- Nate Saffold
- Huangyu Xiao
- Bei Zhou
Astro + ML Journal Club
Every Wednesdays at 12PM, we meet on Zoom to discuss papers at the interface of astrophysics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. If you are interested in joining the meeting, contact Aleksandra Ciprijanovic.
- Sree Jarugula
- Aleksandra Ciprijanovic
- Brian Nord
The Fermilab CPC and the Theoretical Astrophysics Group have historically hosted and organized many important conferences and workshops.